Terry's Oils & Sculptures
Oil Paintings & Sculptures by Terry Richardson.
I have always enjoyed art but due to circumstances I never had the chance of any formal training. Now I have more time on my hands I am able to enjoy making sculptures and painting in oils, both of which is always a challenge but very rewarding.

Elm Hill at Night. Norwich.

Homage to Tamara de Lempicka 1

Homage to Tamara de Lempicka 2

Tombland Alley on a Rainy Day. Norwich.

The Puppet Man, Norwich Market.

Wedding Party at Catton Hall

The Feathers Pub in 1938

The Old School Yard

A Chair in Holt


First Snow. St. James' Hill.

Balloon Girl in Verona

Punch & Judy

Family on the Beach

Norwich Market

Tools of the Trade

Allotment Shed

Norwich Quay

Tell Me Another Story

Towards The Sun

Seed Pod


Giraffe in a Scarf

Henry the Horse (dances the waltz)


Sitting This One Out

The Backwards Clock
